30 Cases Where Service Law Protected Workers’ Rights

1. D.S. Nakara v. Union of India (1983)

Issue: Pension discrimination.

Outcome: Pension is not a bounty but a right, and arbitrary discrimination among pensioners was struck down.

2. K.C. Malhotra v. State of Madhya Pradesh (1994)

Issue: Equal pay for equal work.

Outcome: Public employees performing similar duties were entitled to the same pay scale.

3. E.P. Royappa v. State of Tamil Nadu (1974)

Issue: Arbitrary transfer.

Outcome: The court declared that mala fide transfers are not allowed and administrative actions must be fair.

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4. Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India (1978)

Issue: Natural justice and personal liberty.

Outcome: It strengthened the application of natural justice principles in administrative decisions.

5. State of Punjab v. Baldev Singh (1998)

Issue: Procedural lapses in disciplinary actions.

Outcome: Disciplinary proceedings must strictly adhere to the principles of natural justice.

6. Randhir Singh v. Union of India (1982)

Issue: Pay scale

Conclusion: Remains a landmark decision affirming Article 39(d) of the Constitution for equality of pay

7. Union of India v. H.C. Goel (1964)

Issue: Unlawful termination

Consequence: Underlined the need for proof and fair procedures when sacking

8. Frank Anthony Public School Employees’ Association v. Union of India (1986)

Issue: Equality of benefits

Conclusion: Unaided private school staff would also receive equal benefits as compared to those in government schools.

9. Secretary, State of Karnataka v. Uma Devi (2006)

Question: Regularization of temporary employees.

Decision: Held that regularization can be made only to the employees who have been recruited as per the existing rules.

10. State of Rajasthan v. S.N. Tiwari (2009)

Question: Seniority disputes

Decision: It held that the seniority has to be on the basis of merit-cum-seniority and not arbitrary.

11. Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan (1997)

Question: Workplace harassment.

Decision: Established guidelines to check sexual harassment in workplaces.

12. R.K. Jain v. Union of India (1993)

Issue: Employees’ rights in tribunals.

Result: Improved employees’ ability to receive a fair trial in administrative tribunals.

13. Mohd. Ghouse v. State of Andhra Pradesh (1957)

Issue: Unjust suspension.

Result: Suspension orders are not arbitrary and must be for valid reasons.

14. Central Inland Water Transport Corporation v. Brojo Nath Ganguly (1986)

Issue: Unreasonable terms of employment.

Result: Oppressive clauses in the employment contract declared null and void.

15. B.P. Singhal v. Union of India (2010)

Issue: Unreasonable removal of employees.

Outcome: Protection against arbitrary removal without valid reasons.

16. Ajay Hasia v. Khalid Mujib Sehravardi (1981)

Issue: Discrimination in public employment.

Outcome: It was held that public employment must also fall within the principle of equality of Article 14.

17. Union of India v. Tulsiram Patel (1985)

Issue: Dismissal without inquiry.

Outcome: Dismissal without inquiry is permissible in exceptional cases, but its applicability is restricted.

18. Union of India v. S.S. Kohli (2004)

Issue: Delay in disciplinary actions.

Outcome: Held against undue delay in finalizing disciplinary proceedings.

19. Navjot Singh Sidhu v. State of Punjab (2007)

Issue: Procedural irregularities.

Outcome: The case emphasized the requirement of following proper procedures in cases of employee grievances.

20. State of Haryana v. Piara Singh (1992)

Issue: Regularization of temporary workers.

Outcome: Temporary workers who have rendered service for a long time are entitled to regularization.

21. Union of India v. Tarsem Lal (2006)

Issue: Disability benefits for employees.

Outcome: Public employees were entitled to benefits for disabilities acquired during service.

22. A.P. State Road Transport Corporation v. Labour Court (2008)

Issue: Reinstatement after wrongful dismissal.

Outcome: Employees wrongly dismissed were reinstated with back wages.

23. Delhi Transport Corporation v. DTC Mazdoor Congress (1991)

Issue: Vicious dismissal.

Outcome: Provisions that allowed arbitrary dismissal without proper hearings were struck down.

24. State of U.P. v. Johrimal (2004)

Issue: Post-retirement benefits.

Outcome: Provided timely disbursal of pensions and retirement benefits.

25. Air India v. Nergesh Meerza (1981)

Issue: Discrimination in employment terms.

Decision: Service rules discriminating against air hostesses declared unconstitutional.

26. Jitendra Kumar v. State of Haryana (2008)

Issue: Irregularities in recruitment.

Decision: Discriminatory practices in public employment recruitment held illegal.

27. Indra Sawhney v. Union of India (1992)

Issue: Reservation in public employment.

Decision: Reservations upheld with limits to check misuse.

28. H.L. Trehan v. Union of India (1989)

Issue: Grievances of employees in PSUs.

Outcome: Guaranteed employees’ rights in public undertakings.

29. M.P. Electricity Board v. Hariram (2004)

Issue: Employee compensation

Outcome: Confirmation of employee’s compensation, when employee injured in the course of his duty.

30. Balram Gupta v. Union of India (1987)

Issue: Early retirement

Outcome: No arbitrary order of retirement for government servants


These cases portray the role that service law assumes in protecting public employees’ rights, ensuring equality, and enforcing accountability in the administration’s actions. They establish precedents to resolve employment disputes and strengthen the legal protections of the workers.